Sunday, August 5, 2007

Getting Better

I’ve got to admit it’s getting better. Getting better all the time.

Despite the fact that I still have no working vocabulary with which to communicate, I am enjoying every minute of being here in Lokossa. First, because I cannot seem to figure out what my Papa does, I’ve decided that he is the Drug Lord of Lokossa, maybe even all of South Benin. One thing is clear though, he has a lot of money, which, of course, benefits me. The food is great, and perhaps one of the best parts of my day is going to school to brag about all the good stuff my family has been feeding me. Although I must say that one of my favorite meals is breakfast when I simply have powdered milk with sugar in a bowl alongside bread with cheese. It’s simple, but very delicious. I am also beginning to wonder if the other stagaires are only being friends with me so that they can use my bathroom facilities (hmm). Regardless, I love this family. My little brother is still my favorite person in the family. Somehow he has been assigned to eat all his meals with me, which I can’t tell yet if he likes or hates. Anyway, we pretty much eat every meal in silence since I can’t speak French and he can’t speak English, except for at the end after we have both finished our meals we each create a structure of sorts with our leftovers. It’s probably not the politest thing to do (maybe), but it has become our bonding time, so I’ll take it. Yesterday he came into the room with a box, and I asked him what it was. He opened it to reveal that he was keeping a cockroach has a pet. Needless to say, Mama was not very amused especially when Tommy accidentally let the cockroach escape (don’t worry we caught it quickly). Then today, Tommy was wearing this ridiculously goofy red hat. He just cracks me up most of the time. I’m glad to have him as my little brother. And speaking of the excellent food that I have been dining on, I was informed tonight that next Sunday, I am going to help my older sister, Olga, prepare dinner. That could be interesting. I hope that by then I will be able to understand enough that I can follow directions. That, or I will create the worst dinner ever. Maybe I’ll say that I’m full and just make my Papa eat it. I am excited though; I do love to cook.

Anyway, I’m just happy and content to be here. There are definitely rough patches every now again, especially when it comes to language training just because all the new vocabulary and energy to focus can be exhausting (and all the “lower level” learners are going to have to get tutors starting next week for extra language training), but I am still loving the adventure. Love Love Love

PS- Mom, one of my fellow stagaires ate slugs the other day for dinner! (well she didn’t eat them, but they were served to her…yuck!)


Anonymous said...

i have seen the biggest slugs in WA ... I can't imagine eating them gross!!
i'm glad you are having fun


Anonymous said...

Hi Carly,

We (Sally, Alex, Mimi & Pa, and Tish) are all on Monhegan right now sending you our love!! I hope you are doing well - we love and miss you. We are about to make slugmores -- no wait, s'mores... :)

Planning a family reunion in Benin? I hope so? I'll be there :)

Anonymous said...

Carly! The Chinese place next to my apartment in Brooklyn serves slugs too - but they call it "Sweet and Sour Chicken" Bada-ching

Love reading this stuff, sounds like you are conquering things. Victory is happy - miss ya - nate