I apologize to anyone who has been intently reading my blog as this has been a bad week(s) for posting journals. With the start of “model school,” I have been increasingly more and more busy since I’ve had to prepare for teaching as well as help others prepare and so forth. This in addition to the fact that I have changed language facilitators, and my new teacher likes to give homework. Good because I can always use extra practice, bad because with lesson planning and wanting to unwind a little bit after a full day of classes, I don’t really have the time, thus I have been going to bed at like 11 every night (I wake up at 6:30 everyday, and I know that you’re are thinking, “wow, that’s a lot of sleep,” but really I wake up at least five times a night, and I don’t sleep well at all because it’s so hot even at night-85 degrees in my room right now-so really it’s not that much rest). The point of that rambling is that I am very busy these days. Furthermore, every time that I have tried to use the cyber, the internet either hasn’t been working, it’s been working, but won’t let me load gmail, or it’s been so crowded that I’ve gone and not gotten on any computers. Angry it makes me.
Model school is actually really fun despite all the stress it causes. The kids are so freakin’ cute and yet so annoying. As far as kids go, they are really well behaved. I mean there are like 55 kids in my class and I can totally control them all (it’s not easy, but it can be done-implement teacher stare of death) just because they respect authority. You could never teach 55 American kids, because they aren’t afraid to talk back/do whatever the hell they want. The one annoying thing that these kids do is that instead of raising their hand, they will raise their hand and snap at you or yell, “ici/here.” Imagine 20 kids snapping and yelling, “ici, ici!” It’s just fantastic. But they are cute despite themselves.
Other than being really busy, nothing to much exciting has happened. I’ve found myself falling into a nice routine here despite all the unusualness that surrounds me. I’ve found that I’ve been able to bound with my fellow stagaires really quickly, and I know that I will sincerely miss them at post. I’ve found that our conversations now involve the most ridiculous things and yet, it some how seems completely normal (i.e., I high-fived someone for having a solid stool this morning).
Life is good, it’s still strange, and definitely not quite home yet, but I’m getting there. It’s a slow process.
Love you and Miss you
Got another package (pants, M&Ms-sooo good, Entertainment Weekly)
Got Dad’s letter (#4)
P.S. Dad you had enclosed that super sexy picture of David in your letter, and I had it out as I was reading, and another stagaire came up and said, “Oh my God, I love David Duchovny. I used to watch the X-Files all the time!” It was a really neat coincidence especially because
Thursday, September 6, 2007
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After my recent bout of food poisoning your "high-five" for a solid stool requires no explanation!!!
Glad you liked the photo of David....the country has been David crazy since you left: new TV show, another X-Files movie in the works.
He is BACK (some might say he never left....)
Love, love, love, love from Dad
Hi Carly
I am Sandy's mom, I'm enjoying reading your blog. I bet you a Danny's Turkey Lurkey that it was my daughter who recognized the picture of David D- she was an X- files nut in high school!
Have fun.
Hi Carly, Your parents were just in NYC seeing Nate and we all had a great time. Nate got us tickets to the US Open and it was a lot of fun. We thought about you a lot. Your dad looked up, googled, and insisted that we go to a West African restaurant to sort of "get" your experience as best as we could from here. Nice as he is, he didn't insist, but we all knew that we were definitely going. For sure. He found a place that served food from Ghana (Ga food?)and we headed off for Jerome Ave in the Bronx. Do or die. We got a parking place in front, which was a good omen, and it was up hill from there. The food was very good. To be honest, I did not like the fufu, but they said that they were out of yams, which they usually use. They used sometining else instead. I had some spicy fish which was great. The servers and customers were all African and we definitely appeared different. People were extremely friendly and helped us know what to order. We used our left hands like crazy without getting thrown out. We thought and talked of you. I tell you these anecdotes from here to give you a touch of home, not because they are thrilling. Work hard. Have fun!
Hello carly you dont know me but I met your Dad in the Hospital.(Patient)We got to talking about
Kids and he told me you wher in the peace corps. I think that is so cool. But I guess whanting to help people runs in the family.I really feel honored that you Dad thought enough of me to give me this address to be able to read your blog and say Hi. I want to tell you that your Dad is one of the frindliest,Warm,kind and funny Doctor I have ever met.I have always wanted to do somthing like your doind.God willing maybe in the future I will be able to.Well I am going to read some more of your blog and the drift off to sleep.May God Bless you and those around you and may He keep your Family safe in His hands Amen.
Kim Doonan
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